Welcome to the Woo
Reality is clearly much more than our limited 5-sense perception. Woo-Woo is a term used in fun to denote all that lies beyond...
“Woo-Woo” is a term I like to use affectionately to refer to anything and everything that is beyond the human 5-sensory perception, which is a helluva lot. It’s the stuff that makes life interesting: all that is metaphysical, spiritual, paranormal, supernatural, intuitive, and subtle…even gestalt, if you want to go there. “Woo-Woo” doesn’t need to be a derogatory term just because some cynical mud-slingers have coined it and used it that way. Actually, that might be Lesson #1 in Self-Sovereignty: YOU get to use words and redefine them however you like. Hey, if the communists can do it, so can we.
And remember, words can be powerful. “Spelling” and casting a spell are essentially the same thing.
We are conditioned by society to focus exclusively on the physical (and there’s a big agenda behind that), so there’s a tendency for minds to dismiss anything beyond the physical. Mainstream thinking generally pooh-poohs the woo because, you know, if almighty $cience cannot measure something based on its (ridiculously narrow) physical criteria, then it’s obviously not legitimate and is worthy of massive ridicule, right?
As the very fun wildman Richard Bartlett, founder of Matrix Energetics, once pointed out, it’s not that you can’t go faster than the speed of light; you just cannot observe or measure going faster than the speed of light using that (visible spectrum of) light. The measuring device is the cause of limitation, but reality itself is surely not limited.
Clearly, we are much more than physical bodies (or carcasses, as Lester Levinson put it). We’re not really even physical beings at all, though we certainly find ourselves “here” playing these characters in this matrix.
About that agenda: did you ever stop and ponder WHY we are conditioned to focus narrowly on physicality? Did you assume it’s something that merely happened or evolved that way organically? That’s what we’re supposed to believe: that more or less, everything that happens here is just random.
I’m not buying it. There’s a much bigger picture to this life-on-Planet-Earth gig, and clearly there are malevolent beings running the show that specifically want to steer you away from knowing or remembering who and what you really are.
I don’t want to pretend evil does not exist, as so many “find a better feeling thought” enthusiasts are apt to do. I’ve got eyes (3 of them, to be exact) to see what’s going on around here, and the wool’s been pulled off.
On the other hand, I don’t want to dwell unduly on the evil for reasons of metaphysical practicality and personal sanity. That’s the thin line to walk: craving truth, then finding unsavory truth, followed by craving not-knowing truth. Red pill, black pill, blue pill, oy vey!
Finding a balance—that is, learning to walk a love-infused tightrope without falling into the dark abyss—is the ultimate spiritual challenge I find myself in these days. How about you? That’s the main focus of my writings here on Substack, and if that resonates with you, feel free to subscribe to this blog.
For those who haven’t yet glimpsed the extent of darkness on this planet, it’s easy to go along with the narrative du jour, and to accept as normal, natural and inevitable all the misery and fuckery that’s endlessly cranked forth from the reality factory. Sure, the unsavory stuff is just part of the Earth Game—part of the “simulation” that we experience and co-create within this grand time-space illusion. So many schools of philosophical and spiritual thought have insisted, throughout the ages, that we are here voluntarily and for personal growth purposes.
And maybe we are. Or maybe we were… but got hoodwinked along the way? I don’t have all the answers. What I do have is an abundance of open-minded curiosity and logic.
If by chance you followed my writing in the past you may notice a slight change in tonality. I’m still in your corner, feisty about love and self-sovereignty, but less likely to linger in the love-and-light section of the woo-woo department store.
Recently I was reinvigorated to start writing again. I’m thinking there are others out there like me, slowly backing away from some of the woo-woo sacred cows we once held dear (take for example, channeled entities that have been exposed as fraudulent). It’s as if the bright overhead lights have been switched on. What was once seductive and comfortable in low lighting is now seen accurately… and it ain’t pretty.
I love Substack because it feels like freedom is valued here, and I can say exactly what I want to say, sans sugar-coating. This post is the tip of the iceberg. When I have more creative juice for writing, I will elaborate in additional posts about metaphysics, cosmology, and life in “the matrix” (and what is it really?) and ideas about ultimately reclaiming our true sovereignty, avoiding reincarnation and getting the hell out of dodge if that’s the case (and what lies beyond?).
Of course, we’ll have to occasionally cover the pitfalls of woo-woo psy-ops out there, including corrupt or fake channels! Maybe I’ll resurrect some of my archival writings about that stuff and spit-shine ‘em up for 2024, because the core subject matter remains relevant.
I like discussing the rare art of discernment, of spiritual truth-seeking with one’s critical thinking faculties intact and heightened… and the even rarer art of not latching onto beliefs (while shedding old ones). These are my pastimes. If you’re the same sort of weirdo, then woohoo and welcome!
Meanwhile, if you’d like to read my pre-2012 woo-woo discernment adventures, they’re encapsulated for you in one humorous book! It’s called “What I Did On My Midlife Crisis Vacation.” Just click the book image below and off you go. There’s an audiobook version too.
All the best,